Collection: Magic: The Gathering: Murders at Karlov Manor

MTG's Murders at Karlov Manor introduces more than just tricks up the sleeves! 

Beginning with MKM, MTG has restructured the way we buy packs! Gone are the set boosters and draft boosters, instead we will see Play boosters- a holistic hybrid of sorts! 

Play Boosters contain 14 cards, with one non-playable card; there are 8 slots in a Play Booster, which are as follows: 6 Commons—There is a possibility of booster fun in this slot. | 1 Common or Card from The List—Most of the time this will be the 7th common, but when a card from The List shows up, it shows up here. | 3 Uncommons—There is a possibility of booster fun in this slot. | 1 Wildcard—This card can be almost anything from the main set. It can be any rarity, and it has the possibility of being Booster Fun. Whatever it is, it will be nonfoil. | 1 Main set Rare or Mythic Rare | 1 Foil of any rarity—This is just like the Wildcard slot except that the card is guaranteed to be foil. | 1 Basic Land. | 1 Non-Playable card—This can be a token, a play aide, an ad card, or an art card.